At Crufts Show in February 1900, the judge was R. Hood Wright, who was not impressed by his entry: "Irish Wolfhounds were a disappointment. The well-known brace, Champions Wargrave and Dermot Astore, were the only ones in the Open Dog Class. I gave the palm to the latter, as he has more character, if not as good in front, and Wargrave was not looking as well as I have seen him. In Open Bitches, the premier award lay between Sportella, who is smart and level throughout, and Artara, the puppy Mrs. Williams claimed at the Palace; but which, since then, has been down in distemper, and requires time to furnish, when she ought to turn the tables on the winner. Felixstowe Mavourneen is quite a good sort. The Limit Class was a repeat. Puppy Class contained two bitches, but Emo was well in front, and ought to make a good one."
Dermot Astore | Wargrave |
Sportella | Artara |
By October, 1900 and the Kennel Club Show, at which the judge was again Capt. Graham, things seemed to have improved: "As regards this special breed, the judge would like to point out its increasing popularity, also the steady way in which its fixity of type is being maintained and improved upon. Though the number exhibited was small (12 only), yet there were among them a few of great excellence and several of really good quality. In the Open Class, Mr. Crisp's Champion O'Leary was the sole entry; a very typical dog, excellent in head, type, and forehand, but slightly falling off in his hindquarters. The five in Limit Class were O'Leary first, "Lanceor", a large wheaten dog with fairly good head and good ears, but very indifferent as to limb. Everett's "Handy Andy" stood third to this dog - a dog of good size, red in colour, and somewhat short of coat, good in limb but short in frame, and head too snipey, ears bad. "Loris", a dog of inferior size and type, with a nearly black head, was hc; Mr. Smith's Zarak, a wheaten dog, an indifferent specimen, coming last. In Open Bitches, Mrs. Williams's wonderful young bitch "Artara" was a long way first. The judge would wish to record his opinion that this bitch is quite the best specimen of her sex yet seen, and, indeed, as near perfection as can be reasonably hoped, and he would strongly urge and impress upon all breeders of the Irish wolfhound to take this bitch for their model (as regards a female) and endeavour to breed up to her size and type. It has given him great pleasure to see this bitch and find how strong is her excellence. Next to her was "Pomona", a really fine bitch, hitherto almost invincible - good in size, but short in coat, and head hardly such as could be desired. Third went to Mr. Everett's Felixstowe Emo - a bitch of much excellence - but outclassed by the two above her. Of good height, fair head and fairly good ears, with a hard coat and good limbs, this bitch still wants somewhat more substance, her action is capital, and she is evidently both a fast and active dog. Stately Runa is a well-bred bitch, but wants greater size and substance. A new face appeared in Mrs. Lindell's Fenlake Gelert, a nice dog of fair size, but not quite in the first flight, coat of good quality and limbs good. Mr. Crisp's two 8 months puppies, St. Canice and Molly Malone, are two very promising youngsters, but too young to be shown. Mr. Crisp took team prize with O'Leary - Pomona, and one of the puppies. The judge wishes much to say that he will be most happy to give any advice or information regarding the breed, and to say that any addition to the ranks of breeders will be gratefully received and welcomed. Every one can see how truly grand an animal this dog is, and it is very well-known and appreciated, how gentle, good tempered and trustworthy he almost invariably is.
O'Leary | Pomona |
1900 was the first year that the Kennel Club started listing winners of championship points:-
List of Shows through 1900, with
Championship winners
A star (*) denotes the winner of a Kennel Club challenge prize or certificate
Printed in the Kennel Club Calendar, 1901. "M" stands for mixed
sex class.
16. Judge R. Hood Wright.
Open, D - 1. *Dermot Astore, Ch. No other award. B - 1.
*Sportella, Ch. No other award.
Limit, D- No entries B - 1. *Sportella, Ch. No other award.
MANCHESTER, March 27, 28, 29. Judge - Mr. T.
Open, M. - 1, Wargrave, Ch., D; 2. Artara, Ch., B; 3. Dermot
Astore '96, Ch. D.
Limit, M. - 1. Artara, B.; 2. Ballyhooley, D.; 3. Gra-ma-chree, B.
DUBLIN (ROYAL SOCIETY), April 17, 18, 19, 20.
Judge - Mr. F. Gresham.
Open, D. - 1. *Marquis of Donegal; 2. Heremon; 3. Knight of Eblana.
B. - 1. *Shilela II, Ch.; 2. Agala; 3. Leath Sheelah.
RANELAGH, June 9. Judge - Mr. W. Evans.
Open, D. - 1. *Wargrave, Ch.; 2. Dermot Astore 96, Ch.; 3. Kenmare 96.
B. - 1. *Pomona 96, Ch.; 2. Artara, Ch.; 3. Felixstowe Emo.
Limit D. - 1. Kenmare 96; 2. Finn; 3. Rasselas. B. - 1. Artara,
Ch.; 2 Felixstowe Emo; 3. Stateleigh Runa.
CORK, July 4, 5. Judge - Mr. F. Gresham.
Open, D. - 1. *Marquis of Donegal; 2. No award; 3. Heremon. B. -
1. Lavagh of Dundela. No other award.
Marquis of Donegal |
September 25, 26, 27. Judge - Mr. F. Gresham. Open, D. - 1. *Dermot
Astore 96, Ch.; 2. Wargrave, Ch.; 3. No award. B. - 1. Artara, Ch. No
other award
Winners, D.- 1. Wargrave, Ch. B. - 1. Artara, Ch. Limit, D - 1.
Rasselas. No other award. B. - 1. Felixstowe Emo. No other award.
Dermot Astore |
SWINDON, October 2, 3. Judge - Mr. F. Gresham.
Open, M. - 1. Wargrave, Ch., D; 2. Dermot Astore 96, Ch., D.; 3. Artara,
Ch., B.
Limit, M. - 1. Artara, Ch., B. No other award.
18. Judge - Capt. G.A. Graham
Open, D. - 1. *O'Leary. No other award. B. - 1. *Artara, Ch.; 2.
Pomona 96, Ch.; 3. Felixstowe Emo.
Limit, D. - 1. *O'Leary; 2. Lanceor; 3. Felixstowe Handy Andy. B.
- 1. *Artara, Ch.; 2. Felixstowe Emo; 3. Stateleigh Runa.
BIRMINGHAM, December 3, 4, 5. Judge - Mr. W.H.
Open, D. - 1. *Dermot Astore 96, Ch.; 2. Wargrave, Ch.; 3. No award.
B. - 1. *Artara, Ch.; 2. Doreen; 3. No award.
Only one show report for 1902 - Richmond in July with J.B. Waldy judging: "Irish Wolfhounds were very well represented, and the competition in the Open and Limit Classes was very keen; it would have been even more so had Mrs. Williams's entries not failed to put in an appearance. In the Open Dog Class, first went to Wolfe Tone, a handsome black hound with fawn legs, who afterwards won the special for the tallest hound. He stands about 33 ¾ at the shoulder, and girths 37 inches, and as he is under two years old he may be expected to still increase in girth. I should like him to be somewhat longer in head, and his eye, though not a light one, should be darker in a dog of his colour. Taken all round, he is a very fine hound, and quite in the front rank. Ballyhooly, the well-known fawn, was second; he has a good head and ears, plenty of coat and substance, but though a big hound has not the height and liberty of the winner. Rajah of Kidnal is an active hound of good type, but has not the substance of the two hounds placed above him, though he will always be able to hold his own in good company. Finn was absent. Kilcullen, reserve, could do with more coat, his head is very good, reminding one of that of his sire, O'Leary, though it might with advantage be longer in front of the eye. He has plenty of substance, and somewhat handicapped by a lightish eye; being the best hound under 18 months, he subsequently won the Ladies' Challenge Cup, and also a special prize offered by Major Shewell. In the Limit Class the prizes went to the same hounds as in the preceding class, the only new face being Lancior, well-known, a large hound of good type but a bad mover. The Novice Dog Class brought out nothing of special merit. Prince Lucio, first, and Wolfe O'Brien, third, want more coat and are weak in head. The Puppy (Dog) Class had only two entries, six-and-a-half months old, by Dermot Astore, they greatly resemble their sire, and promise to make large hounds, but are too young for exhibition; in fact, I think that puppy classes for big breeds are quite a mistake, and I was not sorry to find them so badly filled.
Wolfe Tone | Rajah of Kidnal |
In the Open Bitch Class, Juno of the Fen, a new face to me, was first. She is a very tall grey bitch, well over 32 inches at shoulder, with a good head and ears. Her muzzle might be a bit stronger, but she is by no means "snipey", and as she is under two years old she may be expected to improve in this respect. Felixstowe Emo, well known, was second. She later on won the special for best mover. Daireen, third, is also well known; although not very tall, she is a bitch of quite the correct character, good size and substance, first-rate head, ears, coat, and bone, and, as these points are, in my opinion, far more important in a brood bitch than height, I afterwards awarded her the special for the best brood bitch. There being no direction that this special was to be awarded with reference to the merit of the progeny of the competitor, I awarded it to the bitch which I considered the most likely to prove a successful brood bitch. Tynagh, reserve, is a very nice grey brindle bitch, with good head and ears, good coat, and good bone. Biddy of Kidnal is a distinctly nice type of bitch, built on workmanlike lines. In the Limit Class for Bitches the only new faces were Felixstowe Mavourneen and Grace O'Mally, both receiving hc. Mavourneen is a hard coated fawn, with good head and ears, but an unlevel mouth. Grace O'Mally is a dark brindle, with small but badly carried ears, good dark eye, and good loin, but too straight behind. In Novice Bitches, Juno of the Fen again won, followed by Princess Patricia of Connaught, a large blue bitch, wanting in coat, and a trifle overdone in ear. Wolfe Watch, a puppy, was third; she also captured the special for the best junior hound of opposite sex to the winner of the Ladies' Challenge Cup. Mr. W. Williams's brace won the brace prize. In making my awards, my ideal was a large active hound of greyhound type with sound limbs, strong feet, well-arched loin, well-bent stifles, rough coat, long powerful head and small ears. The winners, in the Open and Limit Classes at least, were creditable specimens of the type I sought. Well-arched loins and well-bent stifles were not so universal as I could have wished, but, since I last had the task of criticising the breed in the Kennel Gazette, I notice a great increase of average size both in dogs and bitches, and a marked improvement in straightness of foreleg, in ear, and in coat. The type I looked for is the type shown in the picture by Reinagle which has been so much alluded to in the Press of late, and not that of the large hound whose portrait can be seen at the Kennel Club, but whose only claim to be considered an Irish Wolfhound appears to consist of his having lived in Ireland and having killed a wolf!
Tynagh | Biddy of Kidnal |
Dogs | Show | Bitches | Show |
Ballyhooley | Crufts | Artara, Ch. | Kennel Club (Crystal Palace) & Birmingham |
Dermot Astore 96, Ch., | Kennel Club (Crystal Palace) | Daireen | Crufts |
Marquis of Donegal, Ch. | Belfast & Dublin | Nuala | Dublin |
Mike | Harrogate | ||
Wargrave, Ch. | Birmingham |
Captain Graham judged the Kennel Club Show in 1904 and his report
read as follows: "In the Junior Class there were three fine dogs, namely,
Dermot Dhulart, the 1st prize, Wickham Lavengro, 2nd prize, and Gareth, 3rd
prize. The two first are Black and Tan. They might both have been better in
limb, though good in carcase and head. The 1st prize has a remarkable head of
great length and good shape but is short of coat on head and legs, a puppy
still and will improve. I was much taken with this dog. 2nd prize has a good
head, though not so long and is a powerful dog. The other exhibits in this
class do not call for remark.
"In Novices the two first in Junior Class were again 1st and 2nd. The 3rd
prize went to a dark brindle dog, with a hard coat, of great height, measuring
34½ inches, with a good long head, but he, though excellent in front legs,
was weakish behind - a lathy dog all over. In this class Miss Aitchison's Righ
was reserve, a dog of merit but somewhat under the mark in size.
In Limit the two Black and Tans were 1st and 2nd, the 3rd going to the
well-known Kilcullen, Gareth coming in for reserve. This is a good dog, but
rather too much of the Deerhound in character.
"In Open Class, Cotswold, well known and certainly the most perfect dog of
the breed as yet, was 1st; 2nd, Dermot Dhulart; 3rd Wickham Lavengro; reserve,
Gareth. In this class was shewn Wolfe Tone, also Black and Tan and of good size
but out-classed by those above named. It is worthy of remark that no less than
five of these dogs stood over 33 inches.
"In Bitch Novice, the 1st went to Mr. Casson's Colleen Rhu, a bitch of no
great merit, red in colour, and short of coat; 2nd to Princess Patricia, a very
tall bitch, dam of Cotswold, not too good in limb, but improved of late years.
The others do not call for remark.
"In the Junior Class there were only two entries, neither of much merit,
and both wanting in size.
"Limit Class - 1st, Cotswold Biddy, wanting in size. 2nd, Wickham Sheelah,
a well-shaped and smart-looking black-and-tan, very much out of coat, but too
slight. Reserve, an enormous bitch - Tseulte - bad in limb, and a poor mover,
coat very wiry, and of a peculiar wolf colour. The third prize went to
Felixstowe Dromore, a fair sized bitch, almost smooth, and wanting in character
of head.
"The Open Class only had three entries, 1st going to Mr. Everett's good
bitch Felixstowe Emo, who has improved steadily for the last two or three
years; 2nd and 3rd going to Wickham Sheelah and Tseulte. The best couple went
to Mrs. P. Shewell's brace; and this lady also carried off the team prize. The
judge would remark that the quality and size of the dogs was greatly in excess
of that of the bitches, and that he was disappointed with the want of size and
character shown by several of the young dogs."
Major Percy Shewell wrote an article in 1904 for one of the weekly dog papers, which read as follows:-
"This breed is making its way slowly but surely in popularity, and the Club is in a most prosperous condition, having more members than it has ever had, and "still they come". The year 1903 will long be remembered as a young hound's year, as the ones benched during it have shown the immense strides that have been made in this ancient and noble breed during the last two years, the old hounds having to give way before them, and this is, of course, as it should be.
"In this short retrospect only the young hounds will be noticed, as the old ones are all well known.
"The most notable young hound is Mrs. Shewell's Cotswold, by Champion O'Leary ex Princess Patricia of Connaught. He made his debut at Crufts Show in February, where besides winning both his classes and the Championship, he won the Bowl for the best sporting dog. At the Kennel Club Show he repeated his victories, again taking the Championship and the Challenge Shield for the best Irish Wolfhound in the Show. He is a grand hound, but still very backward and puppish and lacks condition.
"Miss Clifford's Dennis O'Leary, by Champion Dermot Astore ex Tynagh, is another fine upstanding hound, with plenty of bone and straight, but might be better in head and has a bad coat. He hardly did himself justice at the Crystal Palace where he was only awarded vhc in the Open, 3rd in the Limit, and 1st in the Novice Classes. He might have been placed higher than he was; he is a hound that should improve and make a useful sire.
"Lady Nesta Fitzgerald's Tyrconnel Ogre, by Champion Marquis of Donegal ex Nuala, though only awared hc in the Open Class at the Kennel Club Show, and 1st in the Limit Class at the Belfast Show, is a fine hound, but rather backward and wants time. He was very unfortunate at the Crystal Palace and should have been placed higher, as he is a very typical hound, straight, with good bone and coat.
"Mr. Martin's Leinster, by Connaught ex Nuala, was 1st in the Novice and Puppy Classes at Richmond, and is a well-grown upstanding hound, with lots of bone and coat, but he is somewhat spoilt by a too massive head, and could not get nearer than vhc in the Limit Class at the Kennel Club Show, and was 3rd in the Junior Class to Mrs. Shewell's Cotswold Desmond and Cotswold Paddy, both fine puppies, but not referred to in this article as both died from distemper.
"Mr. Howard's Kilfane, by Connaught ex Nuala is a fine young hound, tall, and with good bone and head, but is still young and wants to fill out.
"At Richmond Show a curiosity was exhibitied in Brian Asthore, who was said to measure 35½ inches, but he is a cripple and should never have been shown; he was very rightly passed over by the judge.
"At the Kennel Club Show the bench of Irish Wolfhounds was the largest ever shown, there being no less than 45 entries. It combined quality with quantity, and no hound of any note was missing, there being as many as six Champions, viz., Marquis of Donegal, Dermot Astore, Wargrave, Artara, Daireen, and Sportella, besides such well known hounds as Ballyhooley, Wolf Tone, Kilcullen, Felixstowe Emo, and Juno of the Fen, but as already stated the Championship went to Mrs. Shewell's young hound Cotswold, who also won the type competition, which was started at this show at the instigation of Captain Graham, the President of the Club, to whom all Irish Wolfhound breeders owe so much and the breed its resuscitatio
"The judging was strictly according to the following points:-
"The Judging Committee were Captain Graham, Mr. J. F. Baily, and Mr. Hamilton-Adams.
"It is to be hoped that breeders and judges will be guided by the above
points in future, and that we shall not see, as we have in the past, misshapen,
out at elbows, crooked legged hounds, who have not only been exhibited but
actually awarded prizes. The showing as "Sporting" dogs of hounds
that are not only incapable of running true but even walking true is
lamentable, and we should like to see them galloped before being judged instead
of being hauled painfully round a 30-foot ring, at a walk, as at
Captain Graham judged the Kennel Club Show in October, 1907 and this
time was obviously pleased with his entry:
"It was with great pleasure that the judge beheld the excellent gathering
of Irish wolfhounds brought before him. The quality showed a marked
improvement, especially as regards the ears, though there a somewhat lack of
size in those in which the increased goodness of ear was prominent. The
progress in type was marked throughout, and the promise for future was very
good. In many of the specimens size was attained in a marked degree, and mostly
without any serious loss of quality. There was nothing remarkable in the Junior
Class (Dogs), but the Novice Class brought out some good specimens. A dog of
curious colour was shown - a fine dog, liver-coloured and tan; also a pale
fawn, with a remarkably long head. Limit Class was well filled and made a good
show. Wickham Lavengro showed a much improved dog. Wildcroft, a very large and
fine dog. The Open Class was good, and fairly well filled, Cotswold standing
out well. Cotswold Dermot, a very fine animal, but too heavy in head. Of Junior
Bitches, Norreen Ogue stood first, not yet stout enough. In Novice Class
Bitches, Mr. Adams's Ivo Kathleen stood out well, a fine and nearly perfect
animal, though the expression of head was not quite correct; tall, and of
corresponding build, and good symmetry, a bitch to be proud of, and likely to
produce excellent puppies; ears good. In the judge's opinion quite the best
bitch in the show. Limit Class brought a fine lot, Mr. Bailey's Shournagh being
a very fine bitch. The Open Bitches was a very good class, too. Here Cotswold
Patricia won; her head is somewhat short, her expression is not too good. Mrs.
Shewell won the Brace and Team Classes. The judge would again remark on the
excellency of the gathering all round, and earnestly exhort all breeders to
specially cultivate the fine Greyhound ears, which have been so markedly shown
in Mr. Adams's exhibits this year. His Ivo Kathleen should be a model in most
respects for bitches."
Cotswold | Cotswold Patricia |
Sadly, these two are the only ones of those mentioned by Graham of which I have pictures |
At Birmingham Show in December, 1907, the judge was Arthur Gerrard
and he had slightly differering views:
Open Dogs - 1st, Champion Gareth one of, if not the best hounds now being
exhibited, has improved in many points with age. Great size and substance, coat
of the right texture, has grand bone, and stands and moves well on good feet;
his head is most characteristic of the breed. 2nd Cotswold Dermot, a sound and
good moving hound, has size, good bone, and very fair coat; loses in head,
being not quite of the right type. 3rd, Odin of Kidnal, shown in very poor
condition; a fine, deep-bodied hound, with plenty of size, good head, somewhat
too heavy in ears, a poor mover in front, coat rather too soft. Limit Dogs -
1st, Odin of Kidnal. Novice Dogs - 1st, Geraint, fair in body, does not move
too well; is well let down in hocks, fair bone, and good type of head, ears
fair. 2nd, Brian Boru is a neat hound with good coat, and a fair mover, but
lacks size and substance. Open Bitches - 1st, Champion Cotswold Patricia, is a
grand type of bitch and a typical Wolfhound with plenty of size, good body and
loins; she did not, however, show to advantage in the ring. 2nd, Lufra Rhu, a
lovely bitch and in grand condition, but scarcely sizy enough; is an excellent
all-round mover, good in head, neck and coat, good bone and feet, excellent
thighs and hocks well let down. 3rd, Shournagh, a fine bitch of great size,
with plenty of heart room, standing on good feet, good bone, but not much of a
mover behind, good in head and ears, but rather too heavy in neck and throat.
Reserve, Ivo Kathleen, a nice moving hound, but too straight and not
sufficiently let down in hocks; she is a nice bitch, but lacks character. Vhc,
Champion Dhudesa is a fine all-round mover, with good coat.
Limit Bitches - 1st, Shournagh. 2nd, Ivo Kathleen. 3rd, Artara Astore is a
useful type of bitch, with deep body on good legs and feet. Novice Bitches -
1st, Ivo Eileen, wants more furnishing; she moves nicely but could do with more
bone and substance."
Champion Gareth |
In July of the following year (1908), the judge at the
LKA was John F. Baily, who had this to say of the hounds shown under
Open Dogs - I had no hesitation in placing Champion Cotswold at the head of
affairs, as he has got nearly everything we want, great size, good girth,
plenty of coat, well carried ears, and a beautiful outline. He goes, perhaps,
rather wide behind, but as I have seen many good horses do the same and still
gallop fast, it may not be such a fault after all. He is unquestionably the
most perfect specimen of the breed we have got, or that I have seen, and I
think I have seen every good specimen that has ever come out since 1879.
2nd,Champion Gareth, a dog of great size and power, great girth and rib power,
good coat, a characteristic head, fairly good ears, but I think he might stand
over a little more ground and have more racing like hindquarters. 3rd,
Felixstowe Kilronan. This is really a wonderful puppy, not yet twelve months
old; he stands a good 34 in. and makes the most of it in the ring. He stands
perfectly true and straight in front, his neck is long and graceful, his
shoulders good, he carries his ears well and promises to have plenty of coat.
At present he is rather narrow and a trifle stilty behind, but as time will
change all this I predict a brilliant career for him. Reserve, Wickham
Lavengro, a fine tall dog, with plenty of length and good ears; he might be a
trifle longer in head and a bit better behind. These are four grand specimens
of the breed.
Ch. Cotswold | Felixstowe Kilronan |
Open Bitches - Champion Cotswold Patricia, 1st, is a large and massive bitch, with plenty of length of body, good bone and plenty of coat, but her head, I think, rather short. 2nd, Felixstowe Gara, a nice upstanding bitch, with good ears and limbs and muscular development, and that racing look we want. She could do with more coat and a trifle more power. 3rd, Champion Dhudesa, is a really fine bitch with excellent limbs, plenty of bone and substance, but her head is rather smooth, and she carries her ears badly.
Cotswold Patricia |
Limit Dogs - 1st, Felixstowe Kilronan, already mentioned. 2nd, St. Patrick's Boy, a very nice red dog with a capital body, good ears and coat. He stands rather low behind and appears somewhat heavy in skull, due perhaps to weakness of muzzle. He was shown too fat which gave his shoulders a loaded appearance. 3rd, Aughrim, a wonderfully good headed dog, the best in this respect of anything shown, with capital limbs and good harsh coat. He appeared rather slack and low in condition, otherwise he would have changed places with the 2nd. Limit Bitches - 1st, Noreen Ogue, the most typical bitch in the class, to my mind, possessing a good coat, stands over lots of ground, with good limbs and muscular hind quarters. Her head might be somewhat stronger. 2nd, F. Gara, already mentioned. 3rd, Cotswold Biddy, a bitch with a nice outline; wants more timber and a darker eye. Reserve, Ivo Drogheda, has a nice outline, but was much handicapped, as she had just reared a litter of pups, and was consequently low in condition and out of coat. Novice Dogs - the three in this class were rather difficult to assort. I eventually gave 1st to Cotswold Watch, as he seemed to possess the most bone. 2nd, Hamilton O'Hallen, a nice black and tan with a long head and good ears. He was so nervous and showed so badly that he spoiled his chances. 3rd, Adel Jester, litter brother to the 1st; he beats him in ears only so far as I could see. Novice Bitches - With the exception of the 1st, F. Gara, mentioned before, the bitches in this class were deficient in the size and power essential. Mrs. Shewell won both championships and had a walk over for the Brace and Team. F. Kilronan took the special offered by Spratts, Ltd., while Lady Kathleen Pilkington's were won in Dogs by Hamilton O'Hallen, and in Bitches by F. Gara. Though there were many grand dogs shown, there were many below the required standard of size and power. Size and power, with the conformation and nervous energy of the greyhound with great physical courage, were the characteristics which made this dog so famous not only in Europe, but so far as Asia, in the 16th and 17th centuries. Lacking these characteristics now, he fails, in my opinion, to be typical."
At Crufts held in London on February 9/10/11, 1910 the report on the
Sporting Classes was as follows: "Sporting Classes at Crufts The Dog Show
at the Agricultural Hall this year was a greater success than ever owing to the
visit of H.M. the Queen, who was herself a successful exhibitor in the sporting
classes with three of the Sandringham basset hounds. Sandringham Dido headed
the open bitch class, while Zero was third in limit and reserve in open dogs,
and these headed the procession of prize-winners which made their bow to Her
Majesty on the afternoon of the 10th inst. In bloodhounds Mrs. Stevens won
second in open with Yeldham Rufus and first in open and limit bitches with
Mavourneen, while Mrs. Hancock got a card for Gippesrick Duke.
"Borzois, judged by Mrs. McIntyre, were very fine classes, and the
championships went to Mrs. Borman's magnificent brace, Ch. Ramsden Rajah and
Ch. Miss Piostri. Miss Robinson's Ch. Mythe Mischa was second and Mrs.
Aitchison's Virkie third in the open dogs, and Miss Robinson's Mythe Peter
first in limit and special limit, with Mrs. Aitchison's Caesar second and Mrs.
Huth's Nadjard third. In the bitch classes Mrs. Travis Pedmore's Dwina took
second in open and Mrs. Huth's Tesma was third. Dwina led in the limit,
followed by Miss Robinson's Mythe Vanita and Mrs. Huth's Tesma; and in the
following class Vanita was first, Tesma second and Mrs. Moser's St. John's
Radiant third. Mrs. Chereau's Ramsden Boy was third in the novice class. There
were one or two good dogs offered at very tempting prices in the selling class.
"Major and Mrs. Shewell were the principal winners in Irish wolfhounds,
taking first in open dogs with Cotswold Watch and first in open bitches with
Ch. Dhudesa. Mrs. Mitchell took reserve in open dogs with Begorrah and Mr. and
Miss Long third in limit with Darby.
"Deerhounds seem to have altered far less in type than most other breeds
during the last few years, and the occupants of these benches still look very
much like living replicas of Landseer's High Life. Mrs. Armstrong's kennel was
very successful, her champions Talisman and Fair Maid of Perth, Rob Roy of
Abbotsford and Fair Catherine of Abbotsford all taking firsts or seconds in
their classes and the brace and team prize went to her kennel. But Miss
Doxford's Ch. The Laird of Abbotsford, in capital form, took the dog
championship. Mrs. Hewitt's Achnacarron Merry Widow, a newcomer, I think, took
first and second in special limit and limit classes, and Mrs. Strake's
Hartforth Rhona took a first and second. Miss Linton's Avering Carnac got a
The report on the Irish Wolfhound classes was as follows: "Irish wolfhounds - Dogs: Cotswold Watch, first, a fine, big romping dog, with rare quarters, bone, and good on all fours. Second, Genwulph, a fine-headed dog, hard-coated, good make and shape. Third, Ivo Tirloch, wants more muzzle, good top and character. Reserve, Begorrah, on nice lines. Limit: One, two, and three noticed earlier. Reserve, Darby, on neat lines throughout. Novice: Ivo Dermot headed; this youngster we liked much, being so well balanced, and showing, as he does, nice quality. Second, I. Turloch. Third, Darby. Reserve, Ivo Armagh, decent front and bone, good top and feet. Bitches - Open: Ch. Dhudesa, grand type throughout. Second, Ivo Dinah, bit light in body, but a puppy that may well mature into something decent. Third, Hibernia, has size and bone in her favour. Wicklow Lass, reserve; typical. Limit: Repeats. Novice: I. Dinah, first. Second, Ivo Kilda, shapely."
Wicklow Lass |
Miss O'Flynn |
Mardale of Downpatrick |
Move on to the Dublin Show in May, 1910 and the judge, F. Howard, was really appreciative of the way the breed was shaping up: "Irish Wolfhound classes, being well filled by hounds of really excellent quality, show a wonderful advance on which breeders may congratulate themselves. Indeed, the average standard of merit has been raised to a pitch which breeders of some years ago might well have despaired of ever attaining. How difficult then was the task to obtain the ideal - great size combined with perfect balance and symmetry. Yet this combination evidently is obtained now with greater ease, and is accompanied more commonly by those minor but most telling attributes, viz., correct coats and ears. With such an advance in the desired direction an immensely increased popularity must surely await this noblest of all canine breeds. Mr. I.W. Everett's Felixstowe Gweebarra, winner of all his classes - Graduate, Limit and Open - and the Championship, is a young hound of outstanding merit, his commanding size combined with quality and soundness, at once impressing the observer. A son of Leinster, out of Champion Lufra Rhu, he will no doubt direct fresh attention to this very important sire, whose breeding is such as to impart that most necessary item, size, to his progeny. In Graduate, Leitrim Boy, 2nd; Conn, 3rd; and Shaun Oge, Reserve, are an Irish bred trio of fine hounds, but overshadowed by the excellence of Mr. Everett's crack. In Limit and Open Con Boroimhe was 2nd, and taking him altogether, I think this handsome hound forms a close approach to that ideal at which we all aim, and of which, perhaps, we all form a slightly different mental picture. Possibly the dark grey colour and well-broken appearance of his coat help largely towards the general effect, and he is not, of course, a very big specimen; he has, however, that grace and symmetry which are such important assets; Leinster, 3rd in Open, looked very well and handsome. His use as a sire is of great value to the breed.
Felixstowe Gweebarra |
The Bitch Classes provided an even more difficult task. In Graduate the year-old Felixstowe Errigal, an own sister to Felixstowe Gweebarra, and in the same ownership, was 1st, a very symmetrical grey-brindle, quality bitch, who moved well, and is of great promise. Mr. C. Donnelly's Cathleen Bawn, 2nd, is a very fine bitch, possessing size as well as quality. Neave, 3rd, also runs up close, she has a good coat, and is of excellent type; her ears detract from her general high quality. Mr. E.G. Everett's Niamh, winner of Limit, Open and Championship, is a very handsome and symmetrical bitch of high quality, without loss of size. Her broken coat and general outline are very taking. Cathleen Bawn was again 2nd, and an own sister of the winner, Mr. P. Doyle's Killabeg Lass was 3rd, a very handsome bitch, with an excellent coat, good ears and feet. Mr. P. Kehoe won the Brace Class, and Mr. T.H. Adams the Team. The FitzPatrick Cup, for best stud dog, went to Mr. Baily's Leinster; the Erlund Cup, for best brood bitch, to Mr. T.H. Adams's Ivo Drogheda; the Graham Cup, for best hound bred in Ireland, and Major Shewell's prize, for best dog or bitch bred in Ireland in 1909, to Mr. P. Kehoe's Conn. Mr. Baily's prize, for best of the opposite sex to the Graham Cup winner, was taken by Mr. P. Kehoe's Neave; and Mr. Kehoe's prize for best dog or bitch whelped during 1909, and the property of an Irishman resident in Ireland (donor not competing), was awarded to Mr. T. O'Neill's Shaun Oge.
On June 17, 1910 (name of show and judge not known) Irish Wolfhounds - Dogs - Junior: F. Gweebarra scored; a tremendous dog describes him, coat dense, wonderful bone, and rare depth through body. Second, I. Dennis, covers lots of ground; a finely reared youngster, wants time to make up. Third, I. Tirloch, owns best of feet, built on galloping lines, yet the owner of heaps of substance and nice class of head. Novice: I. O'Neill, first, cannot be described as a big one, but character and type very good. St. W. of Clowes, reserve; only moderate fronted, and his body lacks substance. Limit: Genwulph, first, is weak on the foot, stands over nice amount of ground, sound behind, and best of shoulders, and type decidedly good. Open: Ch. F. Kilronan, second; a romping fine hound, on best lines. C. Watch is a typical, unexaggerated hound. Bitches - Junior: C. Kelpy won; good head, body and type; we would like her the more had she better feet and front. Second, F. Errigal; light-eyed, good size and body. Third, Cynethrith; shapely and stands well, whilst she can move. Reserve we unfortunately missed. Novice: Second, F. Princess, good neck and shoulders, shapely, good quarters. Fronia, reserve, is a well-balanced specimen. Limit: C. Garetha, first; dips a bit at shoulders; barring this quite a nice one. Second, I. Dinah; best of neck and shoulders, big bone, more substance in body would not be harmful. Open: That topper, Ch. C. Patricia, promptly put paid to the others' account; her equal wants finding."
Also in 1910 (name of show and judge unknown) - Irish Wolfhounds - Dogs - Novice: Felixstowe Gweebarra led; he was the largest dog in the class, just over a year old, immense bone, fair, good head, nice coat and in topping form. Second, Ivo Tirloch, good type of dog, but his eyes are light, moderate front, and little slack in body. Third, Ivo Feargus, a wheaten, whose eyes again are light; his coat handles well, as does also bone, a shade out at shoulders, but quite the type. Silver King, reserve, very shapely, but benched light. Limit: F. Gweebarra won. Second, Marquis, capital body, bone, very sound, fair head. Third, Cenwulph, a big, fine, strapping hound, but just on fine side. Open brought out nothing new. Bitches - Novice: Ivo Moreen, the winner, is a grand-bodied wheaten, excellent body, shape and bone, sound, but short in head. Second, Cathleen Bawn, has a similar fault and practically the same qualities, but she was rough in coat. Third, Ivo Kilda; her head we like; she, however, was short of coat, and too much on Greyhound lines. Felixstowe Errigal, a nice puppy, good texture of jacket, neat head. Limit: Here Chalfont Garetha beat the lot; her head is of fine type, coat, front, and size all of the best; she wanted to be shown heavier, whilst more bone would not come amiss. Second, Ivo Dinah, little plain in head, but of capital size, good body, bone, and character. Third, C. Baron. Reserve F. Errigal. Open were repeats. Mr. Hamilton Adams won the Brace and Team prizes.
It needs to be borne in mind that many show reports were not written by the judge but by a spectator. This was, in fact, the case up to the 1970s.
Updated 7/20/2008